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 discussion rules Hompmo|LDR , 23:06, 23.02.2015
 sell out +400ai players start at 10k Cuje , 04:06, 17.05.2024
 no new contract - good center ai 399, potencial 12 LisekRRS , 22:22, 16.05.2024
 97/53 23 y 351ai bazzi3009 , 21:59, 16.05.2024
 +2 loy. 18yo d 87/max-4/+2 cheap Jerrymouse , 20:38, 16.05.2024
 wing 447 98/0/+3 + jersey -40 salary SuperKarel , 20:15, 16.05.2024
 2x cent p18 ai434-438 exp252-300 Desperado. , 20:15, 16.05.2024
 25r. 402 is. 100/35/+1 defender Golem , 19:31, 16.05.2024
 +3loy, 12 pot, 440 ai wingman Jan4195 , 19:09, 16.05.2024
 19y ai 181 q 92 p 82 loy-1 Giuseppe|HLP , 18:00, 16.05.2024
 32y 445 ai 87/6/ +3 - 31y 379ai 88/6/ -2 LiborGabriel , 17:32, 16.05.2024
 for playoffs, wing amp def Penguin , 15:54, 16.05.2024
 wing loy+3 MateuszR , 15:51, 16.05.2024
 slovenian nt winger, today viva-la-WOHNOUT , 14:08, 16.05.2024
 33y 466ai 98/0 winger tomorrow no new contract if 100m+ Jarda123 , 13:42, 16.05.2024
 ai 416, 97/-1-2, 26 yo E.T.Mimo , 13:15, 16.05.2024
 22y wing 99/47/loy+3,ai 284 - deadline today 16:06 Mr.Rock , 12:15, 16.05.2024
 94/max loy+ thusso, 11:35, 16.05.2024
 19y, u20 center 96,max-2,loj+2 gergeli , 10:03, 16.05.2024
 no new contract strong def 27yo assu , 09:35, 16.05.2024
 no new contract ...473 ai Gulgulatore, 09:33, 16.05.2024
 top goalie +3 loy, 29y - ai 499, 97/12/+3 Kafkus , 09:04, 16.05.2024
 20y 93/-1 overall 87, 20y 92/-1 overall 86, 19y 93/max overa Svarog , 07:46, 16.05.2024
 l++++3 and others FC Nic , 07:39, 16.05.2024
 23yo ai 301 98/47 + 24yo ai 314 87/max impossible , 05:07, 16.05.2024
 26y center 75 overall start from 50kk 4wd, 22:31, 15.05.2024
 ai 514, 100/12/-1 - no new contract Zagi-92 , 21:53, 15.05.2024
 elite defender nt mexico... no new contract, pot 12 SpeedyG|HLP , 21:10, 15.05.2024
 goa 24y, 97/max-1 and wing 25y, 100/max-2 Maksikanec, 20:55, 15.05.2024
 2x cent p18 ai433-438 exp252-299 Desperado. , 20:19, 15.05.2024
 sell out many +400ai players Cuje , 18:47, 15.05.2024
 23yo ai 300 98/47 fast winger impossible , 18:43, 15.05.2024
 23y center, ai309 ONDRAPT , 18:17, 15.05.2024
 2 x def max pot +3 loa Bodmin , 18:09, 15.05.2024
 center blue line shoting ai 537 loy+3 MateuszR , 17:05, 15.05.2024
 28y +3 loyalty center 97/-2/+3 429 ai Nanook , 16:57, 15.05.2024
 94/max loy + thusso, 14:31, 15.05.2024
 max pot winger musiek, 13:17, 15.05.2024
 +3 centr 25y 382ai 100/max-1/+3 today DynamoRiga , 10:40, 15.05.2024
 20y 92/-1 overall 86, 93/-1 overall 87, 21y 92-1 overall 76 Svarog , 09:48, 15.05.2024
 no new contract strong def assu , 09:11, 15.05.2024
 l+3 and others FC Nic , 08:25, 15.05.2024
 goalie, 33y, ai 543, 95/0/-2, no new contract m5674 , 06:44, 15.05.2024
 winger. 26y. 87/max/-3. 341ai. 35 millions. form: 100 matus , 23:20, 14.05.2024
 players u23 Mira_MP , 22:45, 14.05.2024
 ai487 dman loy+3 pot12 kake619, 22:13, 14.05.2024
 18y 83/max/+3 Optimo , 21:47, 14.05.2024
 ai448 p18 winger on game1 playoffs errko , 21:28, 14.05.2024
 wing 447 98/0/+3 + jersey -40 salary SuperKarel , 21:21, 14.05.2024
 loy + 3 goalie yo 24 q93p35 al 338 days 1 mirik , 20:28, 14.05.2024
 defender 17 yo, 89 ai, 91/82 OndrejM97 , 20:24, 14.05.2024
 23y center ai309, defender loy+3 ONDRAPT , 18:13, 14.05.2024
 2 x def max pot +3 loa Bodmin , 16:56, 14.05.2024
 ai 537 center loy+3 MateuszR , 16:44, 14.05.2024
 28y +3 loyalty def 98/18/+3, 464 ai Nanook , 16:11, 14.05.2024
 vet goalie and winger, over both 450ai and 340 exp yu gi knight , 15:48, 14.05.2024
 18y, 94/76/+3 gergeli , 14:49, 14.05.2024
 23y wing , ai 322, 95/47/-1 from 10000 Kafkus , 14:08, 14.05.2024
 22y wing 99/47/loy+3,ai 283 - deadline 16.5 Mr.Rock , 13:05, 14.05.2024
 18yo winger 89/max-5/-1 cheap Jerrymouse , 12:40, 14.05.2024
 19y 93/max, 20y 90/-1 only 80m Svarog , 12:03, 14.05.2024
 cheap solid young players Phiit94 , 11:52, 14.05.2024
 great ufa nt-center no new contract Ruuttune, 11:20, 14.05.2024
