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 NT election to elite group!
21:45:39, 13.04.23

Ďakujem. Takú prácu by som bral.
V tejto sezóne Ti titul veľmi rád prenechám, aby si sa nemusel skrývať za slovíčka :)

Well thank you. I would take such a job.
This season, I'll be happy to give you the title so you don't have to hide behind words :)

21:58:43, 13.04.23

Svarog 21:45:39, 13.04.23 Ďakujem. Takú prácu by som bral.
V tejto sezóne Ti titul veľmi rád prenechám, aby si sa nemusel skrývať za slovíčka :)

Well thank you. I would take such a job.
This season, I'll be happy to give you the title so you don't have to hide behind words :)

Nemusíš. Třeba ho vyhraje nějaký jiný a kvalitní manazer. Furt jich je tu dost.

Ale aspoň si se postaral o to, že v repre už není kam spadnout :-D

You don't have to. Maybe some other and quality manager will win it. There are still plenty of them.

But at least you made sure that there is no place to fall in the rep :-D

22:18:33, 13.04.23

To skutočne nemáš vo svojej kampani čo ponúknuť okrem môjho neúspechu? Smutné ako sa z toho tešíš. Aspon vidno ako Ti záleži na Bulharskej reprezentácii

Do you really have nothing to offer in your campaign except my failure? Sad how you enjoy it. At least you can see how much you care about the Bulgarian national team

07:11:23, 14.04.23

Garfield13 21:08:28, 13.04.23 elity … :)

On relegations, you lead 3:1 manager… and who else lose the elite … :)

ked tak 2:1 a nie minimálne,a ale maximálne, kedze som trenerom iba druhy krat :)

when it's 2:1 and not the minimum but the maximum, since I'm only a coach for the second time :)

Ok, rád Ti to najdu.

I'll be happy to find it for you.

Otevři si šampaňský, tady to máš, národní šampione. Tvoje zářivá reprezentační kariéra:

88. sezona ... Byl si manažerem U20 v II.A ... SESTUP po neuvěřitelných 10ti prohrách z 1Oti zápasů

95. sezona ... Byl si manažerem A v ELITĚ ... SESTUP z ELITY. Poslední místo

99. sezona ... Byl si manažerem A v II.A ... SESTUP. Poslední místo

Ještě si byl u Slovenska, kde si se taky nijak nepředvedl. Ale pravda, nespadl si. Úspěch.

Nádhera co? Ještě, že se Ti to nepíše do historie, viď. Nebo jsem zapomněl na nějaký Tvůj

Prostě Ti to u repre nejde, tak se tam furt netlač. Já do elity postoupil a narozdíl od Tebe jí i udržel. Mimochodem, když jsem postoupil do elity, hned si se snažil nacpat ke kormidlu. Znovu nulový charakter a kdo chce, může to tady vidět. Repre není liga.

Na Bulharsku mi záleží a právě proto znovu kandiduji proti TOBĚ.Už se na Tvoje počínání tady nedá dívat a někdo Ti to musí říct.
Open the champagne, there you go, national champion. Your brilliant international career:

88th season ... You were the U20 manager in II.A ... FALL DOWN after an incredible 10 losses from 1 O matches

95th season ... You were manager A in ELITE ... FALL DOWN from ELITE. Last place

99th season ... You were the manager of A in II.A ... FALL DOWN. Last place

You were still with Slovakia, where you didn't perform well either. But it's true, you didn't fall. Success.

Beautiful what? It's not going to go down in history, you happy. Or I forgot some of yours

You just don't do well with rep, so don't push yourself there. I advanced to the elite and, unlike you, I hold it. By the way, when I advanced to elite, you wanted my place. Again zero character and whoever wants can see it here. Repre is not a league.

I care about Bulgaria and that is why I am again running against YOU.Your actions here are no longer acceptable and someone has to tell you.

08:31:33, 14.04.23

Seniorská a juniorská reprezentácia to je úplne niečo íné a porovnávať to môže iba niekto kto tomu vôbec nerozumie.
Takže to tu písať nemusiš pretože to nemá absolútne žiadnu dôležitosť.
Ty si vypadol 1x ja 2x !
Píšeš že pri Slovensku som sa nepredviedol? Skončil som 4 na Majstrovstvách Sveta ! :)

Píšeš tu o charaktere a predvádzaš tu toto? Nebuď smiešny. Reprezentácia nie je Tvoje súkromné mužstvo a kandidovať do nej môže kto chce a kedy chce bez ohľadu na Tvoj názor a Tvoje vymyslené pravidlá.

O svojich úspechoch aj neúspechoch viem a každý jeden neúspech ma mrzí. Ty vieš akú malú hráčsku základňu má Bulharsko a aké ťažké je tam spraviť zostavu a aj napriek tomu tu píšeš toto? Ja Ťa vôbec nesledujem, tak ako Ty mňa, pretože to nie je podstatné a vôbec ma nezaujíma minulosť iných kandidátov. Zamysli sa radšej nad svojim charakterom !

Pri reprezentácii som sa vždy snažil mať profesionálny a zodpovedný prístup a tak to bude aj naďalej. Určite sa nenechám odradiť neúspechom, ani Tvojimi úbohými útokmi.

Senior and junior national teams are completely different, and only someone who doesn't understand them at all can compare them.
So you don't have to write it here because it has absolutely no importance.
You got out 1x and I got out 2x!
Are you saying that I didn't perform well in Slovakia? I finished 4th at the World Championships! :)

Are you writing about character here and showing this here? Do not be silly. The national team is not your private team, and whoever wants and when they want can run for it, regardless of your opinion and your invented rules.

I know about my successes and failures, and I regret every single failure. You know how small the player base is in Bulgaria and how difficult it is to make a squad there and yet you write this here? I do not follow you at all, as you follow me, because it is not important and I am not at all interested in the past of other candidates. Better think about your character!

I have always tried to have a professional and responsible approach when representing the country, and it will continue to be so. I will certainly not be discouraged by failure, nor by Your pathetic attacks.

08:52:08, 14.04.23

Svarog 08:31:33, 14.04.23 you follow me, because it is not important and I am not at all interested in the past of other candidates. Better think about your character!

I have always tried to have a professional and responsible approach when representing the country, and it will continue to be so. I will certainly not be discouraged by failure, nor by Your pathetic attacks.

Nemáš žádné pádné argumenty. Radši už nic nepiš. Vaříš z vody.

You have no valid arguments. Dont write anything, do better. You heating water friend.

09:00:59, 14.04.23

Nepotrebujem argumenty, aby som odkryl tvoj špinavý charakter. To si spravil sám namiesto mňa

I don't need arguments to expose your dirty character. You did that yourself instead of me

09:07:00, 14.04.23

Svarog 09:00:59, 14.04.23 Nepotrebujem argumenty, aby som odkryl tvoj špinavý charakter. To si spravil sám namiesto mňa

I don't need arguments to expose your dirty character. You did that yourself instead of me

Tak snad tady jednou zase vyhraje “zdravý rozum”. A zkus si najít svoje slovíčko, charakter je můj :))

So maybe "common sense" will win here once again. And try to find your own word :))

09:47:46, 14.04.23

Ano slovíčko charakter je tvoje....ale len slovíčko, skutočný charakter Ti chýba :)

Yes, the word character is yours...but only a word, you lack real character :)

10:49:33, 14.04.23

Svarog 09:47:46, 14.04.23 Ano slovíčko charakter je tvoje....ale len slovíčko, skutočný charakter Ti chýba :)

Yes, the word character is yours...but only a word, you lack real character :)

Jj, rozhodně. Nevidíš si normálně do huby. Nech si poslední slovo, mě už za něj nestojíš :)

11:08:23, 14.04.23

Така че още веднъж ще ви помоля всички за вашите гласове. Гарантирам ви коректност, отговорност и професионален подход. Грижа се само за доброто на българския национален отбор и обещавам да дам всичко от себе си.
добре, благодаря ти

So once again I will ask you all for your votes. I guarantee you decency, responsibility and a professional approach. I only care about the good of the Bulgarian national team and I promise to do my best.
well thank you

Tak ešte raz poprosím Vás všetkých o hlasy. Garantujem Vám slušnosť, zodpovednosť a profesionálny prístup. Ide mi len o dobro Bulharskej reprezentácie a sľubujem, že spravím maximum.

Svarog :)

17:34:25, 16.04.23

Gratulujem k víťazstvu. Ja som proti Tebe nikdy nič nemal, Ty si mal na moju adresu narážky už aj v minulosti. Držím Ti palce aj napriek tomu že si sa choval ako špina. Veľa šťastia :)

Congratulations on the victory. I never had anything against you, you had allusions to my address in the past as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you despite the fact that you behaved like dirt. Good luck :)

18:34:34, 18.04.23

Благодаря на всички за гласовете. Преди всичко за това, че сред нас все още има правилни ценности. Целта е да преминете към дивизия II. Други са провали. Отборът изглежда добре.

Thank you all for the votes and above all for the fact that there are still the right values among us. My goal is to immediately advance to Division II, anything else will be a failure. The team doesn't look bad at first glance.

Děkuji všem za hlasy a především za to, že tu mezi námi stále existují správné hodnoty. Mým cílem je ihned postoupit do divize II, cokoliv ostatního bude neúspěch. Tým na první pohled nevypadá zle.

08:19:48, 11.11.23

Marto +1
