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   League table - Finland III.1 league (105.season)
Team GP W OTW OTL L Pts G +/- Home Away Form
1.  Ylöjärven Ryhti  30 20 1 0 9 62 143:101 42 10-5 11-4
2.  HC Eagles  30 18 2 1 9 59 142:100 42 12-3 8-7
3.  Welmut  30 18 2 1 9 59 144:110 34 11-4 9-6
4.  The Bulldogs  30 17 1 3 9 56 130:91 39 9-6 9-6
5.  Ohtaansalmi Golden Stars  30 14 3 5 8 53 116:94 22 10-5 7-8
6.  Urmas HT  30 15 3 1 11 52 106:97 9 9-6 9-6
7.  HC Breakdown  30 13 3 1 13 46 104:93 11 10-5 6-9
8.  Redcats  30 13 2 3 12 46 121:118 3 8-7 7-8
9.  ARSE Clan  30 13 3 1 13 46 109:116 -7 7-8 9-6
10. TeamNumminen  30 13 2 2 13 45 88:94 -6 8-7 7-8
11. Hc Pohjanmaa  30 13 2 2 13 45 107:118 -11 9-6 6-9
12. Pyssykylä Verbals  30 13 2 0 15 43 123:129 -6 8-7 7-8
13. Leinolan Ilves  30 9 1 2 18 31 99:137 -38 8-7 2-13
14. HC KiljuSekoitus  30 9 0 3 18 30 83:116 -33 6-9 3-12
15. HC Evergrey  30 6 2 2 20 24 87:135 -48 6-9 2-13
16. HC Saimaa  30 5 2 4 19 23 78:131 -53 2-13 5-10
Points: Win +3 / OTW +2 / OTL +1