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13.06.2007 - Preparatory informations about version 1.9

We would like to greet all fans of HA – we arranged for you new version 1.9 of the game. We are currently testing these changes at testing server. Seeing that, there are many changes (unprotected players reform, scout reform and some other minor changes), we will present you with a planned implementation list of changes that will be launched on 2007-07-04.
The list of changes:

We have decided to change the english term for the "unprotected player" to a more realistic one "unrestricted free agent". Unrestricted free agents in HA are players at age 27 and older whose contracts are about to expire.

The following items will also be removed from the game
1) Removal of the bank deposit (money which were invested in this deposit will be repaid).
2) Removal of the maximum salary for one player. (from the scouting page)
3) Removal of the current salary limit. (again, from scouting page)

Free agents will sign contracts based on highest bid on the signing bonus (cash), rather than the salary used in the old system.

Salary for free agents will be calculated in accordance with the protected players’ formula.

Free agents bidding system: The best offer will be shown to all managers. By overbidding with less than 1 minute to deadline, there will be a 1 minute extension. The highest bid can be overbid by a maximum of 10 % and teams will not be able to overbid their own offer.

Free agents deadline: deadlines will end over the course of the whole day. All contracts will expire between 8:00 to 22:30 HA time.

Compensation money: If a player signs a contract with a team other than the owner, this team will have to offer compensation money to the previous manager. The compensation money will be calculated automatically according to the attributes of the player (you can see the preparatory value in detailed page of each player who is 25 years old and older – column „Compensation“)

Current owner of the player will decide whether to sign contract with a player:

Type 1: 70 day contract - Player salary is calculated as a base salary plus 1/70 of 45 % of the adjusted highest bid sent from other teams. No signing bonus.

Type 2: : 70 day contract - base salary plus signing bonus (40 % of the adjusted highest bid sent from other teams).

Type 3: 140 day contract - base salary plus signing bonus (70 % of the adjusted highest bid sent from other teams).

Type 4: 210 day contract - base salary plus signing bonus (100 % of the adjusted highest bid sent from other teams).

Final re-sign prices are adjusted by player devotion level and compensation values.

Players loyalty

This is a new attribute which will influence the chance of signing new contract with a player if he become a free agent. Players loyalty contains 6 levels. The possibility of signing contract with this player (for current owner of the player) will look like this:

Loyalty -3: player will not sign for less than the highest bid. The only way to resign such a player is to outbid all other teams.
Loyalty -2 : player will accept a Type 4 contract.
Loyalty -1: player will accept a Type 3 or 4 contract
Loyalty +1: player will accept a Type 2, 3 or 4 contract
Loyalty +2: player will accept a Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 contract.
Loyalty +3: player will stay with his team until his manager decides to sell or fire this player

This is the plan for how loyalty values will be assessed in the new system:

Current 27+ year olds = all will get +2 loyalty
Current 26 year olds = all will get +1 loyalty
Current 25 and below year olds = all your original players will get "random" loyalty from -2 to +2, all others will get +1 loyalty.
This means if you purchased a player, he'll be set to +1.

Modification in scout (quality, potential and loyalty)
Manager will see values of this attributes according to players age like this:

17 years old player
Quality – estimated value (exact value at thorough research of the player)
Loyalty – unknown value
Potential – unknown value

18-19 years old player
Quality – exact value
Loyalty – estimated value (at players from your team and thorough research of foreign players)
Potential – unknown value

20-21 years old player
Quality – exact value
Loyalty – exact value at players from your team, estimated value at thorough research of foreign players
Potential – estimated value

22+ years old player
Quality – exact value
Loyalty - exact value at players from your team, estimated value at thorough research of foreign players (i.e. scouting them)
Potential – exact value
Modification in scout will apply to all players in this game!

There is a new function which was added in scouting department – match research/scouting – you can activate this function by clicking on bequest „Research!“ which will be shown in detailed match report – then you will see summary of goal shots location.
We also changed the figuration of shot targeting – manager will see shot targeting only in his own matches or in researched matches.

New rule:
It is forbidden to publish match scouting results in HA

Limitation of sale free protected players (restricted free agents):
You can no longer buy free agents of any kind off the market and flip them in 2 weeks (like you can with sub 27 year olds now). Any player you buy on the market and sell within the first 10 weeks will net you at most the amount you paid to acquire said player.

!!! Warning – this is only preparatory news in order to inform you about new changes, preparatory date and start of this news will be prepared on Saturday 4th July 2007!

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