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31.01.2009 - End of season and new version 3.0

Hello to all fans of Hockey Arena. We are coming to the end of the season, hopefully it was successful and fun for you. We are launching few new features which will improve playability and entertainment.

New game calculation
The first and most important change is a new version of the games' calculation with all new features to be used in all games. The changes are:

  • Tactical line specialization
  • Line chemistry
  • New tactical settings - copy opponent's lines, removal the 4th line from the rotation during the match, pulling the goalie
  • Improved distribution of tactical points
  • You can find the particulars of these features in the guide or in preceding news items.

    Other changes:
  • We've created system which combines all game settings, general and tactical into one game profile. You will be able to create a maximum of 5 predefined profiles of game settings, which can then be applied to particular matches of your choosing. Or you can change setting only for a specific game, which would not influence other upcoming matches.You can create these profiles in Team -> Tactics or directly from your calendar in the game settings. The first profile in your list, is always your 'Basic' profile and it is the default setting and will apply automatically for all future games (for those where you don't choose other profile or make any changes).
  • It is now possible to pull the goalie under certain predefined conditions. This feature is found in the tactics pages mentioned above.
  • You can now see bonuses for players statistics after end of regular season in League -> Bonuses
  • Team spirit will not change if you fire a player. However, if you fire the player his loyalty will permanently drop by 1 point.
  • We have altered the tactical profiles of players. Specifically: Playmakers will also require Strength, Passing becomes the main attribute for Creative players and Snipers will require Shooting as their main attribute.
  • You can see the match record from your latest match in the menu Team -> Match
  • Manager temm has created a set of higher resolution flags. They are now used only in national matches play-by-play record (check it here), but we will later use them on some other pages as well. So thank you!
  • There are no bidding limits for own UFA players with -3 loyalty anymore
  • We have adjusted the team calendar to display future, unplayed matches more, than the played ones. This feature is used also for manual planning of friendly matches.
  • The 5% fee on unsuccessful sales has been removed as ineffective.
  • UFA players will remain 1 day longer on the market for all teams, meaning they'll go to market with 8 days remaining on their contract.
  • We have improved the calculation of line chemistry decreases if you replace a player in the line. Line chemistry will be lowered by 20 % from the original chemistry. For example line chemistry 20 % will cut back to 16 % (100 % -> 80 %, 80 % -> 60 % and so on).

    Sponsor pack:
  • For all managers with SP the career stats of their players will be tracked automatically. You can find these statistics under Statistics from player profile. These statistics will be deleted when the player leaves your team or your SP expires.
  • We have a new statistical screen Top 16 teams with various interesting statistics.
  • We've extended sponsor statistics Top 10 players with more tables.

    Bug corrections:
  • There was a small bug in daily and weekly expenses. This wrong calculation calculated some expenses twice in some occasions while the team cash was calculated properly. This bug was corrected.

    Finally, we would like to thank you all for your support and big thanks to all of you who helped us with this new version for your help and patience!


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