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03.02.2009 - Version 3.1

Few things we needed to change right away:

  • Replacing a player in a line will cause it's chemistry to drop by 25% (instead of 20%) so after replacing 4 players there will be 1 left from the original line and chemistry 0%
  • The Offensive defensman profile has been changed he will no longer need passing
  • In the line detail there is a list of all possible maximum chemistries for each tactics
  • The 5% unsold player fee (removed from the game in version 3.0) is replaced by a fee for putting the player to the market. You will pay this fee immediately upon putting the player to the market. First attempt will be free, second you will pay 2% of the minimum price, 3rd - 4%, 4th and higher 6%.
  • In the match setup you can now load one of the predefined profiles change some settings and you can save the changes and the profile settings won't be affected.
  • In the top10/16 player/team statistics your own stuff will be marked red

  • Taken Wereld