Halloween Treat 2023 jersey
Awarded to 1 players per week in MAIN leagues.
Conditions: Team captain/assistant captain, weeks in team 30+, league games 8+, age 20 - 27
Players will be randomly selected from the top 10 league players (eligible), ordered by weeks in team
Activation bonus: speed skill increase by 10
When deactivated: corresponding skill reduction
Duration: 1.10.2023 - 29.10.2023
Halloween Trick 2023 jersey
Awarded to 1 players per week in MAIN leagues.
Conditions: Penalty minutes 16+, league games 6+, age 20 - 29
Players will be randomly selected from the top 10 league players (eligible), ordered by penalty minutes
Activation bonus: self-control skill increase by 10
When deactivated: corresponding skill reduction
Duration: 1.10.2023 - 29.10.2023