● D-n 08:53:34, 16.08.24
But in my B-team the difference is 42 currently which is pretty high.
You have 5 players, which you promoted in the last 2 weeks. These players won't be in the list (because of the 2-week delay), but they certainly affect the score. Try to calculate the DR for them. Is it around 42?
noitomE 10:21:32, 16.08.24 ● D-n 08:53:34, 16.08.24
You have 5 players, which you promoted in the last 2 weeks. These players won't be in the list (because of the 2-week delay), but they certainly affect the score. Try to calculate the DR for them. Is it around 42?
Only one of them is good enough to have some value towards draft and I have counted him akready.
noitomE 23:34:50, 15.08.24 look on this page:
<a href="https://www.hockeyarena.net/public_redirect.php?https://www.hockeyarena.net/en/index.php?p=sponsor_tracking_nurselings.php" target="_blank">https://www.hockeyarena.net/en/index.php?p=sponsor_tracking_nurselings.php</a>
It shows all your players pulled from YS, you might have forgotten someone.
Also, you can try this extension
<a href="https://www.hockeyarena.net/public_redirect.php?https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hockeyarena-revamped/ajoggkipllcijfbpmbhojkkmfpebefpg" target="_blank">https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/hockeyarena-revamped/ajoggkipllcijfbpmbhojkkmfpebefpg</a>
It shows the Draft Rating for all your players in YS and on these two pages as well:
<a href="https://www.hockeyarena.net/public_redirect.php?https://www.hockeyarena.net/en/index.php?p=manager_youth_school_nurselings.inc" target="_blank">https://www.hockeyarena.net/en/index.php?p=manager_youth_school_nurselings.inc</a>
<a href="https://www.hockeyarena.net/public_redirect.php?https://www.hockeyarena.net/en/index.php?p=sponsor_tracking_nurselings.php" target="_blank">https://www.hockeyarena.net/en/index.php?p=sponsor_tracking_nurselings.php</a>
You can verify the sum value easier by having the numbers in one table. :)
Thanks! Not sure I'll get to the bottom of this but definitely appreciate the help!
Hello everyone,
I just donated the Happy Holiday 2024 jersey (Potential+1) to a player. But now I can not activate the jersey on the new owner/player of the jersey... I think it is because he already has max potential.
So, I think there is a bug in the system that even allows me to donate the jersey to a player that can not activate it.
With this, 2 questions...
1) Will I next season be able to donate this jersey to another player? Because I can not use it on the current player... I suspect the answer is NO.
2) If the answer to question 1 really is no... Can a mod please give the jersey back to to the original player? Because if no, i suspect the jersey just to be absolutely useless and lay there until the players' career end.
Also, the players in question are Giovanni Colombo (new owner of the jersey) and Danilo Caccavale (original owner of the jersey)
Giuseppe 15:34:48, 12.09.24 1) yes
2) only icko can do that
2. i can do it, theoretically, but i would never do it, unless there is some serious error
Am I only one who have <br> </br> bug when get private message?
Tumeez 16:47:00, 21.09.24 Am I only one who have <br> </br> bug when get private message?
<a href="https://www.hockeyarena.net/public_redirect.php?https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1011056642563002479/1287062151185567887/image.png?ex=66f02d89&is=66eedc09&hm=2c40de80aafb14012a0ba837d03f5cd3e98a2c0d2e012215d9c0443d482c2017&" target="_blank">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1011056642563002479/1287062151185567887/image.png?ex=66f02d89&is=66eedc09&hm=2c40de80aafb14012a0ba837d03f5cd3e98a2c0d2e012215d9c0443d482c2017&</a>
Nope, happened to me today as well.
My Player his Form stays 0 since i buyed him last Season. I tried with taking him off for a game like 4-5 times but still his Form does not increase.. any suggestions?
Last time was yesterday in a league match. And with 21 games played I see no reason why form should't increase...
wolter 18:43:17, 28.09.24 what was the training schedule/intensity?
speed and 50% but thats not the matter. It works for all the other Players except for him and i have no idea why
top 10 players Weeks in team - Country and top 10 players Weeks in team - World is broken.
These does show a lot of younger players than my Dmytro Loptev, who should be 2nd at Finland list and I think that Jouni Öster should be at Worlds list.
Look at players details. Weeks in team is 255 for all of them. So it "works as designed" 🙊
Penguin 18:53:30, 02.10.24 Look at players details. Weeks in team is 255 for all of them. So it "works as designed" 🙊
Example this is on the world list, while he is a lot of younger than Öster or even Loptev. So it doesn't show the real situation.