Players on the Market 17 - 21 years old |
Trsto 05:57:14, 10.03.23 Try to check forum before you post your topic !
Perhaps the "highly respected discussion moderator" should think not only about imposing severe punishments, but also about moderating this topic?
This is what this discussion board looks like...and it's even crazier below...
...then maybe such violations would be much less!
Big thanks mod, who do their job very well. Continue in the same way.
"Go ahead, said grandma in the heavy snow" :)
XStaff 11:02:10, 20.04.23 Big thanks mod, who do their job very well. Continue in the same way.
"Go ahead, said grandma in the heavy snow" :)
well said...
muffty 11:59:25, 20.04.23 XStaff 11:02:10, 20.04.23 Big thanks mod, who do their job very well. Continue in the same way.
"Go ahead, said grandma in the heavy snow" :)
well said...
You are from a movie " Dumb and Dumber to"? :)
The moderator has the ability to delete inappropriate topics. If he doesn't know, maybe someone can explain how to do this.
There are managers who are punished for this, but there are those who violate repeatedly, but there is no punishment, for example, Haagen/LDR...
I know why that is...because someone only knows how to win the game through unfair means...exactly the same way discussions are moderated...
andeens 08:58:55, 21.04.23
You are from a movie " Dumb and Dumber to"? :)
I understand very well that it is your favorite movie, but I like more "Law & Order" or "teddycandies are not shared equally" :)
first time warning with deleting topic, next time 1 or 2 days ban ...but i have feeling that here dont works Moderation...anyway, guys you cant solve it :)
Trsto 12:25:27, 21.04.23 first time warning with deleting topic, next time 1 or 2 days ban ...but i have feeling that here dont works Moderation...anyway, guys you cant solve it :)
This is how moderation should work...but some people don't get it :)