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17.01.2010 - New season's changes

Hello, welcome to the new season and here are some changes. We've launched the players' faces, which will be available at first only for players displayed on the league standings page as the 'Stars of the week' and on the team's detail in the 'Captains and assistant captains' and only for the managers with the sponsor pack.
You can also choose your team's jersey, you can find this option in Manager --> Sponsor and you can also upload a small logo for the jersey there.
We've added the option to choose your Captain and assistant captains, these will not affect the game in any way for now, but you can choose them for the fun of it or just to point out some of your players, as the captains will be part of you team's detail page. To choose your captain just click on the 'Captain' link from the player's detail.
Last change concerns the player's experience which will raise up to 999 now.


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