23.01.2005 - Version 1.5.1

Redesigned World League structure:
Different number of teams from every country qualify for the tournament - based on the average country performance in the latest WL season (minimum 2 teams from every country), but only from countries, which exist at least one season in HA. Total number of teams in the tournament is 96, which are divided into 16 groups. Top 2 teams in each group advance to the knockout stages. All knockout stage rounds are decided in single elimination matches.
Following number of teams from every country will qualify to WL this season:
Czech:8, Slovakia:7, Switzerland:7, Russia:6, Germany:6, Sweden:6, Latvia:6, Canada:5, Great Britain:5, Poland:5, Netherlands:5, USA:4, Belgium:4, Finland:4, Austria:3, Denmark:3, Italy:2, France:2, Croatia:2, Slovenia:2, Estonia:2, Japan:2

Four teams will be promoting from 2nd leagues to 1st leagues - all playoff semifinalists.

Задания Мир