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Each player has 11 basic attributes which influence his performance in a match and others which influence other fields of the game.

Ability of the player to play as a goaltender - together with Speed affects the effectivity of a goaltented in stoping the shots.

Defensmen use this skill as a primary in defenting the opponents attacks. Of course Defense is used by forwards too but less than defensman as their main activity is attacking.

Skill and ability of the outfield players in attacking activities, used mainly by forwards (used the same way by defensmen as the Defense is used by forwards).

Shooting is used by outfield players to shoot goals.

Passing/Puck control
Outfield players - good or bad pass can increase (or decrease) the chance the shooter will score. Important for all centers - as their primary task is to pass the puck and create some good chances.
For goaltender will be used as 'Puck control/Passing' and will represent his ability to control and pass the puck after he saves a shot. Low puck control will give the opponent a higher number of rebounds. These rebounds have an increased probability of scoring then normal shots on goal.

Center uses his Strength (along with Attack) to win faceoffs and all outfield players use it when defending. In combination with appropriate line's aggressiveness the Strength can increase overal dominance of the line.

Used by all players - as a primary skill by goaltenders and secondary by outfield players.

Outfield players - low selfcontrol will cause higher number of penalties - the number of penalties is also affected by the line's aggressiveness.
Goaltenders - low self-control of a goaltender can cause after a series of quick goals that he looses his confidence and concentration. It will cause him to play miserably the remainder of the match. In the match report it will be indicated like this 'Goalie has temporarily lost his confidence in himself'.

These attributes improve during training and also during the match. Amount of improvement during the match depends on a player's position. Training setup and how attributes improve is more fully described under Training.

The following attributes directly influence a player's performance in a match but change according to other rules than the previous group :

Skaters get tired during the match depending on time spent on the ice and therefore their energy decreases. Goalkeeper gets tired according to the number of shots they face. Loss of energy of each player has the following impact on his performance - if a player looses 30% of energy, attributes goalie, defence, shooting, strength and speed are weakened during the match by 30%. This applies also when player starts the match with lowered energy.
Energy of the players also decreases and increases during the training depending on the setup of particular phases. Players also recover during the night rest every day regardless of the training setup. Very tired players (less than 60% energy) have a higher risk of injury.
In the detailed view of a match you can see the energy of players before and after a match in column Ene.

Form, experience
High form and experience allow a player to use his abilities more effectively. On the other hand, low form and experience increases the chances of a player making a major blunder. .

The role of form is to reflect player's current physical and mental condition. So it is not directly affected by match performance or training. Factors that affect form, are in general not part of the game (like player's private life). Form has a direction in which it is changing every day, the best way to react to these changes is to replace players with lower form with players that have a higher form. The direction can be changed in each game update and the chance of getting the increasing direction can be slightly influenced by these options :
- light, or medium training (applies only to players who don't play the match)
- good match performance

Form of injured players is slowly decreasing during the period of their injury.

Players gain experience only in matches. More experience can be gained during important matches, such as in playoff or in national team games.

Other player attributes :

Age of the player increases at the end of each season by one. When a player reaches his age horizon, his main attributes will start to decrease slowly.

Number of remaining days on a player's contract.
In the detailed view of each player is the option "Fire player". Fired players with quality lower than 40 will immediately retire, others will try to find a new employer.
All players' contracts will be automatically extended provided the team has enough cash for their signing bonuses.

Type of injury and number of days player will be injured.

Daily salary of the player under his current contract..
Foreign player in a team receives in addition to his contract salary a bonus of 15%.


Team that currently has a signed contract with the player.

Very important characteristic which does not influence performance in matches but has a big impact on rate of training. Also when the attribute value reaches 150% of the quality its training is greatly slowed.
Quality is determined at "birth" of a player and does not change later.

Each player has his own age horizon. When he reaches that age, his abilities start to deteriorate. Potential value decreases gradually as player gets older and a potential of 0% means that the player has reached his age horizon..
The practical difference between players with potential 20% and 50% is that first player will reach his age horizon sooner and his abilities will start to deteriorate sooner.

Ability index
Ability index is a sum of main player's attributes (not including form and experience).

Goalie's weak spot
Shooters, aiming at goalie's weak spot, have better chance of scoring. This attribute is visible only to current owner of the player.
Its possible to set team's shots targeting preference on the match setup page. In case of normal targeting, the shots are distributed evenly. This setting is also displayed on the match report page - your own matches only.

Number of stars Expresses star stature of a player. Three stars of the match are announced in every league match, these players will be more popular amongst fans and they will gradually become stars.
In player detail, you can watch the progress of players who have not yet achieved star status as a percentage value from research (scouting) department.
The next factor which increases star stature of players is statistical categories evaluated at the end of every regular season. These are :
Canadian scoring productivity - players are ranked according to total goals and assists.
Best shooter - players ranked according to number of goals scored.
Best defender - defenders ranked according to number of goals and assists allowed. This category includes every player who has played all league matches in the defender position.
Best goalkeeper - goalkeepers ranked according to save percentage. This category only includes goalkeepers who have played at least half of league matches at the goalkeeper position.

And what role do star players play in the team? Undoubtedly, stars want higher salaries, but there is also a good side - more spectators come to matches and more merchandise is bought.
List of all star players on the team is found at "Players", "Stars".
If a star player changes leagues his star statute will lower a bit.

Player will be satisfied if he gets enough chances to play in league matches. Satisfaction affects only unrestricted free agents on the market - check this guide section Market.

Levels of satisfaction :

Attribute which influences the chance and options of signing new contract with a player if he becomes an unrestricted free agent.
Contract options:
1. contract for 70 days, signing bonus 0, the salary of player will be his standard formula salary plus 1/70 of 45% of the highest offer from other teams
2. contract for 70 days, signing bonus 40% of the highest offer from other teams, salary calculated with the standard formula
3. contract for 140 days, signing bonus 70% of the highest offer from other teams, salary calculated with the standard formula
4. contract for 210 days, signing bonus 100% of the highest offer from other teams, salary calculated with the standard formula

Player's loyalty can have 6 possible levels, the contract options based on each level will be these:
-3 : player will not give his current owner an option to match the highest offer. The only way to resign such a player is to outbid all other teams
-2 : player will accept contract types 4
-1 : player will accept contract types 3, 4
1 : player will accept contract types 2, 3, 4
2 : player will accept contract types 1, 2, 3, 4
3 : player will stay with his team until his manager decides to sell or fire the player

Number of players in the team
If the team has fewer than 20 players, the manager of the team will be sacked (see Game rules). If the team has more than 64 players, juniors will not come to the team and it is not possible to buy or sign new players.

List of last transfers of similar players. This function is available only for own players and players on the market.
Link to the Transfers page is located on the detailed player's page.

Con - Lenght of contract (days)
Qua - Quality
Pot - Potential
Goa - Goalie skill
Def - Defense skill
Att - Attacking skill
Sho - Shooting skill
Spe - Speed skill
Str - Strength skill
For - Form
EXP - Experience
PIM - Penalties in minutes
Nat - Nationality
Lin - Number of lines that the player is a member of
Act - Active/inactive line (player)
Prio - Priority
Chem - Line chemistry
Max - Maximum possible line's chemistry for the chosen tactics
Aggr - Line aggressiveness

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