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28.03.2022 - Jersey Spring Meltdown 2022

The spring thaw is in full swing and many hockey teams are already looking forward to fighting in the Playoffs, but they need a few more goals to get there. Every Saturday in April, players with team roles of captains or captain's assistants can unlock a special "Spring Meltdown" jersey.
Players will be randomly selected from the league's ranking according to the number of shots.
The jersey can be won by 1 player per week in each MAIN league and 1 players in the U23 leagues. Teams that already own this jersey cannot win it again during this event.

Requirements: Team captain / assistant captain, age 20 or higher, 2 or more league games

Activation bonus: increase in shooting by 10
On deactivation: corresponding reduction in shooting

Event duration: 1.4.2022 - 30.4.2022



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