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07.01.2006 - Changes

Change of the maximum salary for unprotected player:
Salary limit is the maximum salary the can be offered at the moment to unprotected player. It's based on the daily profit, team owner's confidence and daily income of the team. The total maximum for this value (if the team owner's confidence is 100% and the team's daily profit is high enough) is 1/6 of the daily income.
The salary limit value can be found on the Scouting page.

Changes in the game rules:
It is forbidden to :
- comment the GMs (Game Masters) and MODs (Moderators) decisions and comment the punishements on discussions. If you find the decision or punishment not appropriate, contact the GM or MOD who made the decision by email or HA mail
- you can advertise a player currently being on the market only in special discussion called Transfers. You can advertise your interest for a friendly match only in special discussion called Friendly matches
- its forbidden to send information about national team election candidates via HA mail

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