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19.03.2006 - List of planned innovations

In the near future we are planning to launch couple of innovations:

1. Shot efficiency of good shooters will be increased. Generally speaking shooter like this will be able to beat the very best goalie by his well aimed shot. This change will be implemented since 11th season. Starting at very mild influence. By each season it will be increased till the full satisfaction.

2. Teams that lost the manager between start of play-off and the end of the season will bee moved at the very bottom of the table and their points will be reseted.

3. The economic reform will be launeched at Hockey arena. This will take couple of seasons. As the player's salaries and stadium's prices haven't changed since the begining of Hockey Arena, but player's prices on the marked have been increased 20 times. This has caused huge inflation. Player's market was able to regulate this itself but anomaly in stadium construction was caused. Nowadays teams in the 5th league have their stadium's background 100% built which actually causes inappropriate playing level. The prices of stadium background (infrastructure) and it's daily expenses will be increased and player's salaries as well. Everything will be made in several stages during the next couple of seasons. To be able to respond to above changes the system of stadium's background unbilding will be changed. You will be able to get back 100% of building cost temporarily.

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