Vstup do hry

   Tabuľka ligy - Švajčiarsko III.3 liga (105.sezóna)
Mužstvo Záp V VPP PPP P Bod G +/- Doma Vonku Forma
1.  Vampire Slayers  30 24 3 1 2 79 108:25 83 15-0 12-3
2.  The Fire Phoenix  30 25 1 0 4 77 102:16 86 12-3 14-1
3.  HC Saintox  30 24 1 1 4 75 105:27 78 13-2 12-3
4.  VSC Loelis  30 20 0 1 9 61 102:34 68 10-5 10-5
5.  Good Omens  30 16 4 1 9 57 66:42 24 10-5 10-5
6.  Team Pierrafeu  30 16 3 2 9 56 51:58 -7 10-5 9-6
7.  Lausanne  30 13 3 3 11 48 48:42 6 8-7 8-7
8.  Sils Lakers  30 13 2 5 10 48 39:37 2 7-8 8-7
9.  Ataguise Sloths  30 12 3 1 14 43 48:60 -12 8-7 7-8
10. Basi Nightshifters  30 12 1 4 13 42 36:46 -10 7-8 6-9
11. Dragons8  30 8 2 5 15 33 36:47 -11 6-9 4-11
12. Geroldswiler SC  30 7 2 2 19 27 32:79 -47 5-10 4-11
13. Jersey Yellow  30 6 1 2 21 22 39:126 -87 4-11 3-12
14. Gekkos Gerlafingen  30 5 3 0 22 21 52:113 -61 4-11 4-11
15. The Amateurs  30 4 1 3 22 17 28:86 -58 3-12 2-13
16. I Büsciä cü  30 3 2 1 24 14 33:87 -54 2-13 3-12
Body: Výhra +3 / VPP +2 / PPP +1

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